Organize a People’s Tribunal to highlight polluters’ abuses

El pueblo, unido, jamás será vencido. The people, united, will never be defeated. Organize a People’s Tribunal: a demonstration where the people put polluters “on trial” for their abuses in your community, region, or country. It’s is a powerful way for a group of people or organizations, anywhere in the world, to build pressure directly on Big Polluters—and attract the attention of local decision-makers and the media.

This toolkit contains resources for organizers and organizations to hold a People’s Tribunal to expose the abuses of Big Polluters in your community, amplifying the stories of local struggles and making the case for urgent action to #MakeThemPay.

For more ideas or support, reach out to us at

For more on the many measures decision-makers at all levels can take to hold Big Polluters liable, view the liability roadmap.