Tell Big Polluters: “You Got Served!”
Big Polluters like the fossil fuel industry have knowingly fueled climate destruction—while making enormous profits. It’s time for them to pay up—and you can make sure they get the message.
This toolkit contains all the information you need to build pressure directly on polluting industries in your community; to make sure local decision-makers act to make them pay, too; and to make sure that any funding secured goes directly to Black, Indigenous, Global South, and other communities on the front lines of the climate crisis.
Download the toolkit to learn how to:
Create a video sharing why you and your community need to Make Big Polluters Pay.
Take and share photo-petitions directed at local decision-makers and polluters calling to #MakeThemPay.
Organize a delegation to the offices of a local polluting corporation to demand it pay for climate damages, or to the offices of a local decision-maker calling to Make Big Polluters Pay.
For more ideas or support, reach out to us at
For more on the many measures decision-makers at all levels can take to hold Big Polluters liable, view the liability roadmap.